Control Your Items Your Way.

Swap items, check stats, and build the loadout to Become Legend with DIM

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What's DIM?


Forgot to grab your favorite hand cannon? Just click and drag it to your active character.


Need those STOMP-EE5 for the jumping puzzle? Fire up DIM and grab them.


Create the perfect loadout for Raids, Strikes, Gambit, and any other loadout that would be helpful.

Gear Square
Inspect Weapons

It Really Is That Easy.

Powerful Search

Keep your inventory in check with powerful search queries. Check out our video on search.

Weapon Reviews / Ratings

Review and rate your favorite guns, and let others know what you think.


Organize your stuff by what to keep, what's your favorite, what to infuse and what to get rid of.

Access Your Items Everywhere

PC Tablet Mobile
Xbox Playstation Steam
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Gear Square